In the mid-1960th my sister introduced me to Hatha Yoga and Meditation which lead me to search for spiritual values and ventured into years of intense study and practice of the deeper Christian Philosophy, Confucianism, Buddhism supported and helped develop spiritual teaching centers in Japan, Korea and Europe. Through Paramhansa Yogananda’s writings and instructions on meditation and breath practices I was lead to the Bhagavad-Gita that opened doors to wider understanding through its knowledge and urge to persistent practice.
During the 80 and 90 I raised my family, took a 4 year college course for management and supervision, obtained my Real Estate license, attended the realtors institute, received the GRI designation and managed my properties and clients Real Estate sales. On my ongoing spiritual path I was blessed with Mentors helping me along the way. The most recent being Reverend Evelyn Haggard who over many years shared in group studies The Science of Mentalphysics consisting of The Initiate Group Course, The Inner Chamber and The Preceptor Course by Edwin J. Dingle (named by his Tibetan Master, Ding Le Mei)
Rev. E. Haggard’s Mentor practiced and lead the studies of the Science of Mentalphysics here at The Institute of The Science of Mentalphysics in Joshua Tree during the time of Ding Le Mei.
In 2014 Rev. Dr. Frank Haggard and Rev. Evelyn Haggard, both ordained at the Institute of Mentalphysics, ordained us Ministers and Preceptors of The Science of Mentalphysics. I had the opportunity since 2013 to teach the Initiate Group Course, the Inner Chamber Courses and the 8 key Breaths practice regularly.
Ding Le Mei response to a student’s question if the practice of the 8 key breaths and regular practices would ever end was a positive” Never.”
The universe is all action ever moving upward and being the microcosm in the macrocosm we must act rightly in order to fully recognize that we are “The Creator in Human Form”- the premise of the Science of Mentalphysics..
Ding Le Mei asks that in All Things “Be Happy and Give Thanks”
One of my many passions besides the pursuit of Spirituality is playing singles tennis matches for the USTA women tennis league since 1994 under the guidance of my accomplished tennis professional.