Science of MENTALPHYSICS, BRAHMAVIDYA as it is called in India, is a Science of Life teaching human beings the spiritual laws of life. These Spiritual laws operate in human life through Breath and Thought. We cannot think of life without Breath or Thought. Hence Brahmavidya teachings emphasize on Breath and Thought, which are the basic elements of life. This is a very ancient system of Spiritual Practice or Sadhana. The System of Practice originated in India, then migrated to Tibet and has now come back to us from Tibet.
Most religions teach that there is a spark of the Divine in every human being. Brahmavidya merely helps you to realize this more clearly and to use the Supreme Intelligence within, in a very practical way. Being potentially divine, man has within him all the power required to overcome his difficulties and problems. Brahmavidya teaches definite methods by which a person can overcome all of his physical and mental problems and lead a better, happier life.
Though we are using Breath and Thought right from our birth no one has ever taught us correct way of Breathing or Thinking. You will be surprised to know that average person uses only 10% of his lungs capacity. Brahmavidya teaches
a) Spiritual Breathing Exercises, which improve breathing and b) Meditation techniques, which improve thinking.
The Breathing Exercises purify the body and Meditation purifies the mind.

Brahmavidya Sadhak Sangh is a service-oriented organisation formed in 1997 to spread the knowledge of the unique methods of Brahmavidya. It is duly registered with the Government as a Charitable Trust.
The Vision, Mission and the Objective of the Sangh are:
VISION: Physical, Mental and Spiritual development of the entire human race.
MISSION: To promote, to preach and to teach the unique system of Brahmavidya.
OBJECTIVE: To spread the teachings of Brahmavidya by 2010, all over Maharashtra State.
All the Teachers, Volunteers and Students work for the Sangh in spirit of Service without any remuneration. The donation collected for various courses is used by the Sangh for promoting Brahmavidya. The activities of the Sangh are managed under the direction of following seven lifelong trustees.
- Mr. Jayant Divekar – Chief Trustee
- Mr. Sanjay Sathe
- Mr. Vikas Phadke
- Mr. Jayant Gore
- Mrs. Kalpana Railkar
- Mrs. Savita S Sule
- Mrs. Swati R Jog

Brahmavidya Sadhak Charitable Trust’s BRAHMAVIDYA SADHAK SANGH
1st floor, Ratneshwar Bhawan, Gokhale Road, Behind Bank of Maharashtra,
Naupada, Thane (w) – 400601
Maharashtra, India.
Tel. No.: +91-22-2534 7788 +91-22-2533 9977
Monday to Saturday
10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Email ID: [email protected]